Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Racking Inspections- The Rack group Ltd
Pallet racking safety inspections are essential to the safe day to day running of any warehouse.

The frequency of these inspections is determined by risk assessments and the levels of activity within the warehouse. There are two types of inspections; internal and external. Internal inspections must be carried out by trained and competent personnel who have been appointed by the PRSES (person responsible for storage equipment safety). External inspections must be carried out by an expert in storage equipment safety on an annual basis as specified by the European Standard EN15365.  Our inspectors have many years of experience and a vast array of knowledge within this area.

In addition to the EN standards the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 outlines the duties imposed on employers to provide a safe place of work.  Industrial storage equipment is classed as work equipment and therefore falls under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations.  This state’s “Work equipment that is exposed to conditions causing deterioration liable to result in dangerous situations must be inspected to ensure that health and safety conditions are maintained, and that any deterioration can be detected and remedied in goods time”.

Racking InspectionsThe Rack Group’s inspection process is designed to be easy and very user friendly and assists the PRSES in
their duties. As we use the latest digital pen technology we provide the customer with both a digital and hard copy of the completed inspection report which is written in a straight forward, non complicated manner. It is designed to aid the communication process between all parties thus insuring they can effectively work together to create a safe working environment.

Within the inspection report, the inspector will outline all essential repair work plus any potential hazards. Recommendations are then made in order to resolve any issues identified.  

The Rack Group’s main priority is to develop a proactive safety management process which will result in less damage occurring.  However, should damage occur we can repair the damage in a cost effective manner with as little disruption to the customer as possible using our specialist equipment.

For more information regarding inspections or if you would like a no obligation quote, please call 01226 784488 and speak to our inspections department. Alternatively you can e-mail us on info@therackgroup.com or visit our website at www.therackgroup.com

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